INAC requires that all tribal councils implement Advisory Services and Programs. According to the INAC website, “Advisory services are defined as the provision to tribal councils of specific knowledge, expertise and/or assistance.” The Advisory Services fall into 5 distinct categories:
Technical Advisory
Technical Advisory refers to capacity-building initiatives spearheaded by the MTTC, planning and
operating community facilities and organizations, establishing and implementing standards,
selecting and hiring staff, training, and coordinating a vast array of special programs. Other
initiatives led by the MTTC include: – Networking and computer maintenance – MTTC Leadership
forum for Hereditary and Elected Chiefs
Economic Development
Economic Development Advisory provides accessibility to resources and equal opportunity. The
primary goals include helping community members to plan their future, seeking new opportunities,
and assisting with business development. Success depends on a partnership with all levels of
goverment: The Economic Development coordinator works in collaboration with the Administrator
of the Tribal Council and INAC, and in consultation with the Board, to assist in improving living
conditions and creating opportunities for all of MTTC’s Member Bands.
Governance Advisory
Band Governance Advisory refers largely to interpretation and implementation of the Indian Act,
particularly in accordance with election and referendum (i.e. political) procedures. It also dictates
council procedures, by-laws and law enforcement, under federal jurisdiction. See subsections 74
and and 78, and Section 102 of the Indian Act. This information can be found on the INAC website.
Financial Advisory
At MTTC, we have a certified accountant who not only balances the books, and distributes and
allocates funds within member bands; she also trains band staff and elected leaders and assists
them in funding their own programs. Her role is largely to empower member bands, thus
encouraging independence and leadership. Other roles include debt assistance / consolidation and
repayment planning, and hiring of personnel.
Community Planning
Community Planning Advisory ties in closely with Economic Development. Community Planning
Advisory strives to plan and implement strategies for community development. A significant portion
of community planning involves researching the effects of social programs, and determining what
more can be done for the communities in question. Like several other Advisory Services,
Community Planning also involves building human resource capacity.